I'm your skull.
I protect your brain.

I'm your spine and I help you stand up straight!

I'm your collarbone. My sister and I contect your arms to your body.

I'm your collarbone. My sister and I contect your arms to your body.

I'm your upper-arm bone. I'm the largest part of your arm.

I'm your upper-arm bone. I'm the largest part of your arm.

Hi, I'm your forearm. I am the other part of your strong arm.

Hi, I'm your forearm. I am the other part of your strong arm.

Hi, I'm your wrist and I help you twist and turn your hands - yay!

Hi, I'm your wrist and I help you twist and turn your hands - yay!

We are the fingerbone brothers. We make your fingers move fast!

We are the fingerbone brothers. We make your fingers move fast!

I'm your ribcage.
I protect all your organs!

I'm your
hip bone.
I connect your legs to your body!

Hi, I'm your thigh bone and the strongest bone your whole body!

Hi, I'm your thigh bone and the strongest bone your whole body!

I'm your knee bone and help you bend the knee.

I'm your knee bone and help you bend the knee.

I'm your shinbone.
I support most of
your weight.

I'm your shinbone.
I support most of
your weight.

I'm your ankle. I help you rotate your feet.

I'm your ankle. I help you rotate your feet.

Hi! We're the foot bone sisters and we help you walk.

Hi! We're the foot bone sisters and we help you walk.

Hi! I am your brain.
I help you think fast.

I'm your lung. My twin and I help you breath easy.

I'm your lung. My twin and I help you breath easy.

Hello! I'm your heart! I pump blood.

Hi, I'm your liver. I clean your blood.

I'm one of two kidneys. My brother is too shy, but he is here too!

I'm your stomach. I'm where your food goes to.

I'm your pancreas.
I make helpers that break down your food.

Hi, I'm your large intestine. I take the small intestine's leftovers.

I'm your small intestine. I absorb nutrients from food.

Hello, I'm your chest muscle.
I help you move your shoulders.

Hello, I'm your chest muscle.
I help you move your shoulders.


I'm your deltoid.
I help you move your arm around.

I'm your deltoid.
I help you move your arm around.

Hi, I'm your biceps.
I help you lift heavy stuff!

Hi, I'm your biceps.
I help you lift heavy stuff!

Hi, I'm your abdomen.
I protect your organs!

Hi, I'm your quad muscle.
I help you bend your knee and sit!

Hi, I'm your quad muscle.
I help you bend your knee and sit!

I'm your calf muscle.
I help you take steps!

I'm your calf muscle.
I help you take steps!